The purpose of this presentation is to describe recent efforts among practitioners, researchers, and policy-makers to improve school mental health practice by fostering evaluation capacity among one group of school mental providers in one state. Specifically, this presentation will highlight the...
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Poster Session #3 from Evaluation Conference 2010. The poster describes the use of a interorganizational network survey to evaluate a community based health partnership. Network anlaysis techniques described here include egocentric anlaysis, clique analysis, and Bonacich Power. Please feel...
Session Description: All evaluators deal with unintended events that foul their evaluation plans. Either the program does not work as planned, or the evaluation does not work as planned, or both. Usually we treat these situations as fires, i.e. we exercise our skills to meet the crisis. This...
AEA CDC 06_09_2010 no links.ppt
Session Description: Case Study Methods allow evaluators to approach program assessment from a powerful and flexible design palette. While often heavily steeped in the use of qualitative methods, case studies also may include the use of quantitative data. The approach is particularly rich for...
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Handouts from the 2010 AEA/CDC Summer Evaluation Institute Session. #2010Institute
Session Description: In an environment of increasing social participation and transparency, communities of practice are one means to unite a variety of partners to address common issues, share resources, and learn new information. When asked to design an evaluation of this type of complex...
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Session Description: Develop higher-quality surveys! This workshop is designed to teach participants how to improve survey quality, thus increasing their utility of and confidence in the data they collect. We will look at surveys to elicit factual information as well as ones that ask about...
Improving Survey Quality -2010.ppt
Session Description: If we are to achieve better outcomes in public health, education, and other social programs, we need new models and frameworks for planning, implementing, and evaluating evidence-based approaches. It is essential to: 1) integrate research to practice models with community...
aea-cdc 2010 draft 6-11-10.ppt
Session Description: In a world powered by social media, a new kind of organizational form has developed, the Networked Nonprofit. Allison Fine will describe this new entity and discuss the particular challenges and exciting new opportunities for measuring the use of social media by...
Session Description: Practitioners use logic models to describe important components of a program; make visible a theory of change; and link activities to intended outcomes. For the purposes of evaluation practice, a well-constructed logic model provides a program-specific foundation for...
Logic Models CDC-AEA eval inst FINAL for AEA website.pdf