Session Description: If we are to achieve better outcomes in public health, education, and other social programs, we need new models and frameworks for planning, implementing, and evaluating evidence-based approaches. It is essential to: 1) integrate research to practice models with community-centered models (practice-centered models); and 2) bring funders, researchers/evaluators, and practitioners together in a partnership for results-based accountability. In collaboration with Divisions at CDC, the Interactive Systems Framework for Dissemination and Implementation (ISF) was developed and is being utilized to bridge the gap between research and practice and to support evidence-based practices (Wandersman et al, 2008; Lesesne et al, 2008). The ISF has as its foundation three interacting systems that together offer a framework for bridging research and practice. The systems are: synthesis and translation of programs, policies, and principles; prevention support; and prevention delivery. The ISF is designed to illuminate the perspectives and contributions of funders, practitioners, and researchers/evaluators. A CDC example of the use of the ISF to promote science-based approaches to teen pregnancy prevention using Getting To Outcomes® will be described. Additional examples of ways to use the ISF in planning, implementation, evaluation, and overall program design will also be described.
Abraham Wandersman is a Professor of Psychology at the University of South Carolina-Columbia. He received his doctorate from Cornell University. Dr. Wandersman performs research and program evaluation on citizen participation in community organizations and coalitions and on interagency collaboration. He is a co-author of Getting To Outcomes (winner of the 2008 AEA Outstanding Publication Award) and a co-editor of Empowerment Evaluation: Principles in Practice. He is a co-author of the article that established the Interactive Systems Framework for Dissemination and Implementation. Duane House is a health scientist on the Adolescent Reproductive Health Team in the Division Reproductive Health. He is the co-lead for the evaluation of the Promoting Science Based Approaches – Getting To Outcomes (PSBA-GTO) project to that incorporates the interactive systems framework to support teen pregnancy prevention efforts.