Understanding Evidence is a new, interactive web resource developed by CDC’s Division of Violence Prevention that supports practitioners in making evidence-informed decisions. The goal of evidence-based decision making is to bring a high standard of research evidence into the decision-making...
AEA CoffeeBreak 6-2013_Understanding Evidence2.pdf
AEA’s Public Statement on Cultural Competence in Evaluation states that “Cultural competence requires awareness of self, reflection on one’s own cultural position, awareness of others’ positions, and the ability to interact genuinely and respectfully with others” and that “Competence in one...
Cultural Competence Webinar June 2013 (11).pptx
This Coffee Break webinar intends to introduce basic concepts of how to set up evaluation data to be maintained, accessed, and analyzed in a Geographic Information System. The presenter will demonstrate simple techniques for formatting data to minimal standards for use in the most commonly used...
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Rarely are evaluators given data that is ready to be analyzed. Missing data, coding mistakes, and outliers are just some of the problems that evaluators should address prior to conducting analyses. In this webinar we will review our 12-step method for cleaning evaluation data. Attendees will...
Building from the first webinar on Understanding Request for Proposals as a Foundation to Developing a Funding Strategy, this is the second webinar of a four part series with Nicole Bowman (Mohican/Munsee). This webinar will briefly revisit the four phase framework for developing a comprehensive...
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Video Available This webinar, part 8 in an 8-part series on the BetterEvaluation rainbow framework, focuses on tasks to manage an evaluation – including understanding and engaging stakeholders, establishing decision-making processes for the evaluation, deciding who will conduct it, securing...
MANAGE webinar Kerry 30May2013.pptx
Video Available This webinar, part 5 of an 8-part series on the BetterEvaluation rainbow framework, focuses on tasks to answer causal evaluation questions – using research designs and other strategies to understand the contribution of a program or policy to observed results. The webinar...
BetterEval CAUSES webinar Jane - final1.pdf
These four transcripts were produced from the 2012 International Coffee Break Webinars series co-sponsored by Catholic Relief Services, American Red Cross/Red Crescent, United States Agency for International Development, and AEA’s International and Cross Cultural Topical Interest Group. The...
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Video Available This webinar, part 2 in an 8-part series on the BetterEvaluation rainbow framework, focuses on tasks to define what is to be evaluated – developing an initial description, developing or refining the program theory/theory of change, and identifying possible unintended results....
DEFINE webinar public1.pptx
Video Available This webinar, part 1 in an 8-part series, provides an overview of the tasks involved in planning and conducting an evaluation. These tasks are grouped into 7 clusters shown in the BetterEvaluation ‘Rainbow Framework’. An evaluation plan sets out how to (1) Define what is to be...