AEA 2015 Poster #2015Conference #HealthEvaluation #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #QuantitativeMethods-TheoryandDesign #InternalEvaluation
AEA_Manweiler_poster FINAL.pdf
#2014Conference #InternalEvaluation #CrimeandJustice #Ruleoflaw #QuantitativeMethods-TheoryandDesign
AEA RoL presentation (16 Oct 2014).pptx
2014 Conference #Eval14 Slides from Session #685 from Evaluation 2014 with Kim Firth Leonard and Sheila B. Robinson. #surveydesign #2014Conference #QuantitativeMethods-TheoryandDesign
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Slide deck used during session entitled "Experience using Propensity Score Matching to Assess Comparability at Baseline in a Quasi-experimental Multi-country Impact Evaluation". #QuantitativeMethods-TheoryandDesign #2014Conference #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval
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This entry contains the PDF of Poster 231 presented on October 15, 2014 during Evaluation 2014's Session 1749. Overview of IRH methods for conducting evaluations with adolescents. #Youth #gender #ageappropriate #QualitativeMethods #QuantitativeMethods-TheoryandDesign #puberty ...
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Describes evaluation in youth camp settings, focusing on the American Camp Association's Youth Outcomes Battery and Camp Program Quality Assessment. #EvaluationUse #DataVisualizationandReporting #IndependentConsulting #QualitativeMethods #2013Conference #YouthFocusedEvaluation ...
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Panel by Tony Fujs, Will Fenn, and Ann K. Emery R is hotter than ever in the evaluation field as evaluators are looking for ways to improve their data management, analysis, and visualizations. First-time R users are asking themselves, Is R right for my evaluation work? Where do I start if I...
Random Control Trial (RCTs) evaluation designs in which potential participants are randomly selected to receive a program or become part of a control group that does not receive the program are an effective method of determining program impact, when used appropriately. A well designed RCT...
Bernstein AEA Some Not So Random Thoughts About Random Control Trials 10-13-13.pptx
Slides for paper: An evaluation of an Observation Rubric Used to Assess Teacher Performance #QuantitativeMethods-TheoryandDesign #2013Conference
AEA13 Rubric Present.pptx
This is the resource packet for the Measurement Invariance Demonstration Session presented at the 2013 annual conference: Do our measures measure up? The critical role of measurement invariance. Presented for the Quantitative Methods TIG by Silvana Bialosiewicz and Kelly Murphy. ...
AEA 13 measurement invariance resource packet.pdf