How can an evaluator meaningfully convey findings to stakeholders based on data collected that same day? How can real time evaluation really be done in real time? This Ignite talk is based on Innovation Network’s experiences with facilitating real time evaluation in health policy settings, and...
Real-time evaluation (RTE) is one of the field’s latest responses to evaluation reports that come too late to be actionable or relevant. Our clients (which includes nonprofits and foundations) operate in complex ecologies and program implementation is not straightforward. As a result, they are...
AEA 2012 RTE with Juma Ventures FINAL2.pdf
Presentation at AEA Conference 2012 on Meeting the Needs of Vulnerable Populations: Insight Into Evaluation Methods and Providing Evidence for Policymaking Presentation Abstract: In the developing world, children are often the first or second source of essential labor for the family. How do...
STRIVE Child Time Use 2012 for AEA Conference Oct2012.pptx
Session Description From 2010 Summer Evaluation Institute Description: We will focus on a variety of methods for analyzing change in outcomes over time, including the traditional fixed effects methods of pre/posttest ANCOVA and Repeated Measures ANOVA; the slopes-as-outcomes individual...
Analyzing Change.ppt