PowerPoint presentation plus condensed overview of the new RealWorld Evaluation book (to be published by Sage in December)...Then you were asked to design an evaluation of a “real” program
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Presentation at AEA 2011 session #822 highlighting what's new in the 2nd edition of the RealWorld Evaluation book #2011Conference #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #TheoriesofEvaluation #RealWorldEvaluationbook
822 What's new in RealWorld Evaluation 2nd edition.pptx
PowerPoint used for RealWorld Evaluation workshop in Minneapolis October 24, 2012. Note: this version includes a "bonus section" on unanticipated consequences of development interventions and a few thoughts on evaluating complex development interventions. Workshop Description: How can you conduct adequately valid impact evaluations under real world circumstances?
RealWorld Evaluation workshop AEA 2012.pptx