Power Point slides from my session at 2014 conference #HealthEvaluation #2014Conference #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #GovernmentEvaluation #HumanServicesEvaluation #programsustainability #HowTo #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation
Program Sustainability - Slides from MA Scheirer.pptx
In addition, impacts of prevention programs may not be able to be demonstrated for several years therefore communicating success during the various life stages of a program is important for long term sustainability. The presenters will use their experience with various public health programs to demonstrate how to use success stories to build both program and evaluation capacity
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Youth Participatory Evaluation: Setting the State for Youth Program Evaluation in the 21st Century Part II presentation for AEA Conference 2013. #YouthParticipatoryEvaluationSettingtheStateforYouthProgramEvaluationptII #YouthFocusedEvaluation #2013Conference
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See matching library entry files - funding, adult training, logistical support) to ...
This evaluation employed a Responsive Evaluation (Stake, 2004) approach in order to determine the programs outcomes, as well as the perceived values of the stakeholder (i.e. students, parents, and staff) most intimately involved with a school based mental health (SBMH) program. The results of...
See matching library entry files - Humanistic psychologists stress the importance o...
PDF of the Evaluation 2009 Program, sans covers due to size, as it went to print. #2009Conference #Communications #program #Evaluation2009 #Communications #Conference