Session Description: In order to build program capacity, a programs “success” must be told at many levels. In addition, impacts of prevention programs may not be able to be demonstrated for several years therefore communicating success during the various life stages of a program is important for long term sustainability. The presenters will use their experience with various public health programs to demonstrate how to use success stories to build both program and evaluation capacity. The session will be a practical and hands on session enabling attendees to begin writing their own success stories. This session includes time for practicing practical applications for use in your own practice. Attendees will receive the newly developed workbook: Impact and Value: Telling Your Program’s Story for use during the class and to take home for reference.
René Lavinghouze is a Senior Evaluation Scientist in the Office of Smoking and Health at CDC where she is the lead on the evaluation of recovery act programs. Rene has over 21 years experience with CDC and in the private sector. She is Chair of AEA’s TIG for Cluster, Multi-site/level evaluations. Ann Price is president of Community Evaluation Solutions, Inc and has over 20 years experience in both treatment and prevention. She has conducted evaluations in many areas including intimate partner violence, mental health, substance abuse, tobacco prevention and oral health. Prior to CES, Dr. Price was a Senior Data Analyst at ORC Macro on a multi-site national child mental health evaluation.