So far, there has been little or no discussion as to how performance management influences political life in local governments
Performance Management in political prioritization.pdf
Session Description: Professor Newcomer will describe the context and challenges the Obama Administration’s approach to performance management confronts. She will describe the legacy of performance measurement assets, logistical challenges and skepticism the Obama Administration inherited
In recent years the concept of performance management (PM) has become omnipresent in sectors as diverse as transportation, international aid, and education
In addition the panel illustrates the inextricable elements of program design, evaluation design, and information design are best embodied by a full integrated approach of these tools. #performancemanagementtools #lean #programevaluation #continuousimprovement #LessonsLearned
Session 1921 Evaluation into Lean.pdf
Bush and Barack Obama Administrations both espoused support for the generation and use of evidence to guide and improve government management. The two presidents brought very different professional experiences, political views, and policy advisors to the job as Chief Executive of the federal bureaucracy, yet their “President’s Management Agendas” established similar expectations about the use of evaluation and performance data. The paper outlines how the two Presidential Administrations centrally approached “evidence‐based policy” and “performance management,” with emphases on program evaluation and performance measurement, respectively
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See matching library entry files - Government or the U.S. Office of Managem...
The goal of the panel is to provide a range of strategies, tools, processes and political savvy that evaluators can use to build and maintain systems designed to promote internal and external evaluation use
AEA_2011.11.02_Promoting Eval Use Joint Presentation_FINAL.pptx
Performance evaluation should be viewed as an applied hybrid method distinct from program evaluation (defined by Peter Rossi) which combines methods from four different institutions each speaking a different policy language (Policy, Management, Programs and Accountability) as well as mixed methods. This includes two meta-data issues: Process Management ((the method of the “business process”) includes the management using participatory evaluation of a process-based chain of events leading to desired outcome(s)) and Research Metrics (a solid grounding in the “facts” about whether there is progress towards desired goals)
#Development #management #employee #evaluative #inquiry #BusinessLeadershipandPerformance #resources #talent #human #2010Conference #HR #Performance
The projects encompass a wide range of E&S risks and opportunities; pollution control and waste management, occupational health and safety, protection of biodiversity, global aspects -especially climate change-, and social aspects including community engagement, land acquisition, involuntary resettlement, indigenous people and cultural heritage, which clients should manage with their social and environmental management systems
Is the Environmental Footprint Rightly Measured (Nov 2011)3.ppt
Performance measurement and reporting systems (PMRS) housed in web-based management information systems are widely used in the public sector to improve accountability and inform decision making