This session discussed pairing Most Significant Change (MSC) with Participatory Video (PV). The file contains slides from the presentation as well as links to video reports about the process from the Mandela Washington Fellowship's PV/MSC evaluation, as well as links to further resources. ...
AEA 2016 MSC presentation.pdf
Grounded in people-centered, complexity-aware understandings of planning, monitoring and evaluation, Outcome Mapping processes can be leveraged by K-12 teachers, evaluators, and teacher educators to provide information beyond external evaluation initiatives with the aim of building...
These are the handouts and powerpoint presentations from the panel session. The panel took a comparative case study approach, presenting four distinct reflection and learning processes used by international INGOs (Oxfam America, ActionAid, ChildFund, and Mercy Corps). Through sharing of...
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Results of initial usability tests of students using the LearnChemE screencasts. Available at Mark Werner and Katherine Allison University of Colorado Boulder #ParticipatoryDesign #GraduateStudentandNewEvaluators #2014Conference #Screencasts ...
WernerAllisonUsability Study Presentation (1).pdf
Youth Participatory Evaluation: Setting the State for Youth Program Evaluation in the 21st Century Part II presentation for AEA Conference 2013. #YouthParticipatoryEvaluationSettingtheStateforYouthProgramEvaluationptII #YouthFocusedEvaluation #2013Conference
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In this presentation the means utilized and the results obtained from engaging youth in process and outcomes evaluations of an out-of-school-time program will be presented. In the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, an out-of-school-time, collaborative program, known as "Houston's Kids" ...
Engaging Youth in Process and Outcomes Evaluations.pptx
Participatory action evaluation (PAE) applies participatory action research techniques and empowerment evaluation in the pursuit of evaluative data and capacity building. PAE uses non-traditional media such as participatory photography, participatory video, metaphor drawing, dramatic...
pae poster.pdf
Full slides from presentation at Eval 2012. Soledad Muniz of InsightShare and Kristina Pearson of Village Earth discuss their successes and challenges in implementing participatory evaluations for youth, using participatory video and variations on Most Significant Change to encourage youth to...
Participatory storytelling_MSC_video eval for youth projects.pdf
Presentation Abstract: This presentation focuses on the power of narrative and personal experience in a course that engaged teachers in a meaningful way. This work examines teachers’ experiences of a field study of Civil Rights historical sites. Data sources included evaluator's field notes,...
Demonstration presentation of Image Grouping technique by Becky Stewart of the Improve Group. Presentation Abstract: This presentation will draw from the Improve Group’s experience developing an evaluation and reporting strategy for a family foundation in Minnesota. The presenter, who managed...
Image Grouping Stewart 10-26-12.pdf