Demonstration presentation of Image Grouping technique by Becky Stewart of the Improve Group. Presentation Abstract: This presentation will draw from the Improve Group’s experience developing an evaluation and reporting strategy for a family foundation in Minnesota. The presenter, who managed the development of this strategy, will share the final product, an evaluation system that functions at several levels to assess impact at grantee and foundation levels. The presentation will also share the insights that came from the process that yielded this final system. This process gathered grantee, fellow foundation and community leader perspectives; these perspectives offered varied and thoughtful insights that get at the heart of what makes evaluation challenging, yet important, in the foundation context. While this session will share how this complexity was addressed in this particular case, the presentation will invite the audience to consider other possible answers to these same dilemmas, and the implications of these choices in the development of an evaluation system for a foundation.#2012Conference #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval #pictorial #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #Tool #participatory #HowTo