Results of initial usability tests of students using the LearnChemE screencasts. Available at Mark Werner and Katherine Allison University of Colorado Boulder #ParticipatoryDesign #GraduateStudentandNewEvaluators #2014Conference #Screencasts ...
WernerAllisonUsability Study Presentation (1).pdf
Youth Participatory Evaluation: Setting the State for Youth Program Evaluation in the 21st Century Part II presentation for AEA Conference 2013
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Theory Building Through Praxis Discourse: A Theory- And Practice-Informed Model Of A Transformative Participatory Approach To Evaluation. Powerpoint slides from session by Michael A
AEA 111014.pptx
Ever read an evaluation report (maybe even your own!)
AEA 2011 Rubric Revolution demo 90min.pdf
Grounded in people-centered, complexity-aware understandings of planning, monitoring and evaluation, Outcome Mapping processes can be leveraged by K-12 teachers, evaluators, and teacher educators to provide information beyond external evaluation initiatives with the aim of building organizational capacity and increasing teacher agency. The panelist will share experiences and reflect on the possibilities of using Outcome Mapping enriched internal evaluation practices in Los Angeles, California middle school environments that serve low-income, gifted, and English language learner students. In particular, the panelist will focus on experiences of integrating Outcome Mapping learning activities so that the collaborative and participatory foundations of the discipline of education are maintained while compliance with curriculum or accreditation evaluation standards is achieved
Paper Title: Participatory Evaluation in a Program to Promote Well-Aging Among Persons With Intellectual and Developmental Disability Presenter: Karen Widmer, Independent Consultant, Abstract: Participatory evaluation is both socially just and mission-critical for programs aimed at promoting health among adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)
Participatory Evaluation in a Program to Promote Well-Aging Among Persons With Intellectual and De.pptx
In this presentation the means utilized and the results obtained from engaging youth in process and outcomes evaluations of an out-of-school-time program will be presented
Engaging Youth in Process and Outcomes Evaluations.pptx
Soledad Muniz of InsightShare and Kristina Pearson of Village Earth discuss their successes and challenges in implementing participatory evaluations for youth, using participatory video and variations on Most Significant Change to encourage youth to tell their own stories. Two examples—of InsightShare's participatory video monitoring project in Guatemala and Village Earth's oral storytelling evaluation in Romania and Moldova—show that evaluators do not need to compromise rigor in order to get rich qualitative data that speak to the effects of programs on youth, their attitudes and behaviors, and their communities
Participatory storytelling_MSC_video eval for youth projects.pdf
Participatory action evaluation (PAE) applies participatory action research techniques and empowerment evaluation in the pursuit of evaluative data and capacity building. PAE uses non-traditional media such as participatory photography, participatory video, metaphor drawing, dramatic interpretation, or collaborative art in group projects with an evaluative objective. This qualitative approach to evaluation is a collaborative inquiry process implemented through the activities of a group and public exhibition
pae poster.pdf
Participatory action evaluation (PAE) is a type of concept-driven participatory action research and is intended to provoke thought and discussion among its participants, thus building community capacity, as well as generating a wealth of information useful to researchers and decision-makers alike