Participatory action evaluation (PAE) is a type of concept-driven participatory action research and is intended to provoke thought and discussion among its participants, thus building community capacity, as well as generating a wealth of information useful to researchers and decision-makers alike
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See matching library entry files - Banyai AEA 2011 Participatory Action...
Participatory action evaluation (PAE) applies participatory action research techniques and empowerment evaluation in the pursuit of evaluative data and capacity building
pae poster.pdf
The method is exemplified with the Youth Action Research for Prevention (YARP) project, a risk prevention youth development program for low-income inner city youth (average age 15.3 years) in Hartford, Connecticut
Grounded in people-centered, complexity-aware understandings of planning, monitoring and evaluation, Outcome Mapping processes can be leveraged by K-12 teachers, evaluators, and teacher educators to provide information beyond external evaluation initiatives with the aim of building...
Theory Building Through Praxis Discourse: A Theory- And Practice-Informed Model Of A Transformative Participatory Approach To Evaluation. Powerpoint slides from session by Michael A. Harnar, Claremont Graduate University. #RoE #participatoryevaluation #TPE #ResearchonEvaluation
AEA 111014.pptx
AEA 2010 Session 812 presentation #participatory #Stakeholder #involvement #2010Conference #stakeholder-based #collaborative #ResearchonEvaluation
Youth Participatory Evaluation: Setting the State for Youth Program Evaluation in the 21st Century Part II presentation for AEA Conference 2013. #YouthParticipatoryEvaluationSettingtheStateforYouthProgramEvaluationptII #YouthFocusedEvaluation #2013Conference
See matching library entry files - Youth participatory action ......Y...
These are the handouts and powerpoint presentations from the panel session. The panel took a comparative case study approach, presenting four distinct reflection and learning processes used by international INGOs (Oxfam America, ActionAid, ChildFund, and Mercy Corps). Through sharing of...
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See matching library entry files - Participatory Review and Reflection Processes (P...
Demonstration presentation of Image Grouping technique by Becky Stewart of the Improve Group. Presentation Abstract: This presentation will draw from the Improve Group’s experience developing an evaluation and reporting strategy for a family foundation in Minnesota. The presenter, who managed...
Image Grouping Stewart 10-26-12.pdf
In recent years, the role of evaluators in the not-for-profit sector has changed. Increased delivery of social services, government initiatives and associated demands for reporting and accountability have created the need for nonprofits to build internal capacity for program evaluation. As...
See matching library entry files - Commitment of evaluation resources Doing evaluat...