Eval 2016 Session: Human Service personnel are often focused on the necessity of attending to funder and regulatory requirements and the immediate need of serving their clients. These daily rigors allow little time for reflection or staying cognizant of the relevant academic literature and...
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The poster was shared at the 2016 AEA Conference which focused on the integration of evaluation and design. Abstract: Traditional parenting education workshop program models focus on parents and rely heavily on survey designs. In recent years, evaluators have validated strengths-based models,...
Collaborative Designs to Assess Holistic Support for Families-AEA 2016 Poster.pdf
Examples of real world use of different kinds of evaluation rubrics in non-profit contexts. #2013Conference #use #Rubrics #EvaluationUse #nonprofit
131018 Rubrics preso AEA McKegg vxx km.pptx
Shifting an organizational culture so that nonprofit staff actually uses evaluation results can be extremely challenging. The Latin American Youth Center (LAYC), a multi-service nonprofit in Washington, D.C., is an example of a nonprofit that has been working to achieve this culture change. ...
During the previous 6 years, Communities In Schools (CIS), an education nonprofit with nearly 200 affiliates across the United States, created a Total Quality System (TQS) of standards to achieve uniform quality in business practice and program implementation across the CIS network. To ensure...
AEA Conference 2013 Poster.pdf
Presentation at AEA 2013 Washington DC Panel Session 895. Sponsored by the LGBT TIG, presentations and discussion from Anita Baker, Evaluation Services. Jamie Bassell, Evaluation Services. Susan Moesker, The Center for Anti-Violence Education #nonprofit #LGBT #multiyear #antiviolence
AEA 2013 Presentation - Who's in Charge Here FINAL.pdf
Abstract: This session will complicate our understandings about indigenous approaches to evaluation. During this session we will explore four spaces that American Indians occupy in the United States, will discuss implications for evaluation in each space, and I will provide a deeper...
2013 The Spaces We Occupy.pptx
Real-time evaluation (RTE) is one of the field’s latest responses to evaluation reports that come too late to be actionable or relevant. Our clients (which includes nonprofits and foundations) operate in complex ecologies and program implementation is not straightforward. As a result, they are...
AEA 2012 RTE with Juma Ventures FINAL2.pdf
Slides from each of three presenters: Tracy Hobson: CAAV description; Role of evaluation in program and fund development; Evaluation partnership Anita Baker: Evaluation design, evaluation partnership Jamie Bassell: First year findings, features and challenges; how CAAV has...
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In May 2007, Nemours Health and Prevention Services (NHPS) began a quality improvement initiative (QII) among a sample of primary care pediatric clinic sites (n=11) and school wellness centers (n=4) in Delaware. The purpose of this two year initiative was to determine if quality improvement...