Presentation at Session 910 'Systems Thinking Evaluation Tools and Approaches for Measuring System Change' #complexinterventions #2011Conference #SystemsinEvaluation #monitoringchangeprocesses
The panel took a comparative case study approach, presenting four distinct reflection and learning processes used by international INGOs (Oxfam America, ActionAid, ChildFund, and Mercy Corps). Through sharing of practical experiences and organizational assessments, the presenters explored the theoretical and practical dimensions of participatory reflection and learning processes in terms of methods, successes, and challenges
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See matching library entry files - This part of the panel looks at Oxfam America’s ...
The revised policy was presented and adopted by Council in November 2010. The process of developing guidelines for results based tracking, quality assurance, compliance and inclusive engagement has led to a policy aiming to meet the needs of management, implementing agencies, evaluators and beneficiaries
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See matching library entry files - Whereas the first version of the Policy was deve...
This is a presentation given by Vinod Thomas, Director-General of the World Bank Group's Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), at the American Evaluation Association's 2009 Annual Conference. It addresses evaluation to improve results, evaluation principles and challenges, evaluation and...
This presentation outlines a framework from which to assess value-added for partnership-related activities during the various stages of a partnership, from formation to management. Partnerships are explored from two angles: the project; and, the partnership, itself. Early and consistent...
DETERMINING THE ADDED-VALUE OF PARTNERSHIPS, Vivienne J Wildes AEA conference presentation.pptx
A tool for identifying and understanding results in complex circumstances #Complexity #MonitoringandEvaluation #OutcomeHarvesting
AEA 2013 Outcome Harvesting PRINT.pptx
Panel presented at the 2013 AEA Conference Chair and Discussant: Suzanne Markoe Hayes Presenters: Frances Reyes, Krystal Gibson, and Bree Hemingway #InternalEvaluation #database #realtiimemonitoring #MixedMethodsEvaluation #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #Non...
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See matching library entry files - This presentation reviews: ◦ Challenges that l...
Presentation Abstract: International development projects operate within a complex ecology; not only do projects have multiple stakeholders, accountabilities and bottom lines, often times they operate in environments that are physically and bureaucratically challenging. To be successful projects...
AEA 2012_final.pptx
These documents describe and present a tool to assess an organization's monitoring and evaluation standards. This was created for a decentralized health development organization (Jhpiego, an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University) working in 45 countries and a diverse monitoring and evaluation...
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See matching library entry files - The Tool and a related process...
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In recent years the concept of performance management (PM) has become omnipresent in sectors as diverse as transportation, international aid, and education. Although both PM and evaluation share the core concepts of improving organizational learning and practice, in practice, systems of PM have...