The DVRTIG Logic Model was developed by DVRTIG leadership coming out of the Evaluation13 DVRTIG business meeting. The logic model reflects the ideas and ambitions suggested by TIG members at the business meeting
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This deck shows three methods to increase the value of logic models to clients. First, Model Heat Mapping will demonstrate logic models being used to tie a funder’s financial support to model components. Second, Cohort Logic Modeling will illustrate how logic models can be used across a funding portfolio to create a shared vision among grant partners and to inform development of evaluation tools. Third, the Change over Time method will demonstrate how logic models can display outcome progress over time
AEA Logic Model Presentation 102916 FINAL CLEAN.pptx
PowerPoint presentation from Session 904 - Building a "Super" Logic Model: Development of a System of Tiered Logic Models to Identify Key Outcomes in a Large Nonprofit Organization #LogicModels #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #2011Conference
Connors, Challender, Schlose - AEA 2011.pptx
Many programs fail to start with a clear description of the program and its intended outcomes, undermining both program planning and evaluation efforts. The logic model, as a map of what a program is and intends to do, is a useful tool for clarifying objectives, improving the relationship between activities and those objectives, and developing and integrating evaluation plans and strategic plans. First, we will recapture the utility of program logic modeling as a simple discipline, using cases in public health and human services to explore the steps for constructing, refining and validating models. Then, we'll examine how to improve logic models using some fundamental principles of "program theory", demonstrate how to use logic models effectively to help frame questions in program evaluation, and show some ways logic models can also inform strategic planning
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See matching library entry files - Intro to Program Evaluation for PH Programs—A Se...
The Logic Model with its familiar Inputs – Outputs- Outcomes linearity has found great use within Cooperative Extension program planning and evaluation. As we recognize the chaotic nature of today’s world and the emergence of Chaos Theory it begs the question of how we best utilize the linear Logic Model vis-à-vis a world that seems to change with each sunrise
LM Sys Thinking 11.10.09.ppt
This think tank challenged participants to think of systems and logic models as complementary tools for evaluation. Examples of both types of models, as well as an example of an integrated model, were used as the basis for group discussion. Notes include the models. PowerPoint slides include notes from the think tank discussion that followed the presentation. #ProgramTheoryandTheoryDrivenEvaluation #SystemsinEvaluation #2009Conference #models #Logic
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See matching library entry files - • A prerequisite for the change model...
Session Description: Practitioners use logic models to describe important components of a program; make visible a theory of change; and link activities to intended outcomes
Logic Models CDC-AEA eval inst FINAL for AEA website.pdf
Recently, strands of several frameworks have been combined into a global logic model framework to guide systemic change efforts. These include: a) The Route to Success framework (PADDC, 2009) for effecting systems change that includes improving the knowledge base, selecting social strategies, engaging stakeholders, supporting policy entrepreneurs, and using unexpected events (or “tipping points”); b) a model for change (Newman & Lobosco, 2008) that identifies four domains of successful systems change–policies and procedures, infrastructure, design and delivery of services, and expectation of outcomes and experiences; and c) Scheirer’s (2010) delineation of four dimensions of sustainability (individual, organization, community and population) that emphasizes concepts or programmatic philosophy rather than funding. These strands, when braided together, form a logic model framework useful for education and human services programs with systems change intents. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the strands, define the logic model, and provide examples of use
AEA2011 logic model framework.pdf
Papers and presentations from the session: Systems Perspectives on Using Logic Models to Improve Evaluation Quality Panel Session 663 #SystemsinEvaluation #model #2010Conference #logframe #Systems #program #TheoriesofEvaluation #Logic
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See matching library entry files - The situation is fitted to the type of m...
Information from Paul Duignan's AEA Webinar on Building Stakeholder-Friendly Visual Logic Models With DoView 2.0. Including a summary of what was covered in the Webinar and links to relevant resources (including the software, videos, tip-sheets and workbooks) for building logic models and theories of change. #Evaluation2009 #EvaluationUse #HowTo #visualization #SystemsinEvaluation #Logic #IndependentConsulting #software #Change #ProgramTheoryandTheoryDrivenEvaluation #program #of #TeachingofEvaluation #models #theory #TheoriesofEvaluation #IntegratingTechnologyintoEvaluation #Research,Technology,andDevelopmentEval
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