Case Study: How one organization incorporates QA & QI in a utilization focused approach to accomplish their goals. #evaluation #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #2010Conference #focused #GovernmentEvaluation #Internal #utilization #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #QI #EvaluationUse #DisabilitiesandOtherVulnerablePopulations #QA #InternalEvaluation #capela
AEA 2010 Stan Presentation.pptx
Presentation Abstract: A key component of the Families Come First evaluation focuses on gathering data about women enrolled in Meta House, Inc., a residential substance abuse treatment program for women and children in Milwaukee, WI. Substantial evaluation capacity was in place prior to the project’s implementation, including a solid infrastructure and institutional support. Meta House, Inc. has an experienced internal evaluation department, an established partnership with an external evaluation team, and existing expertise in collecting client-level data. The agency has a management team that values and utilizes evaluation data and has made an ongoing fiscal commitment to evaluation work. However, critical upcoming transitions in the agency’s executive leadership and the treatment funding context are prompting its internal evaluation department and external evaluation partners to prepare to capitalize on these strengths, highlight the relevance of evaluation to the agency’s future, and further embed evaluation in the agency’s culture of organizational learning
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Abstract: The classic critique of internal evaluators is that they know more and care more about programs than an external evaluator would; this situation presents them with two special challenges
Shifting an organizational culture so that nonprofit staff actually uses evaluation results can be extremely challenging