This paper presents the challenges and lessons learned from an external evaluation of a regional program designed to improve science and literacy achievement for high-needs students in grades K–6. The program's goals were to strengthen teacher understanding of science and quality of instruction...
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This study explores how a variety of technology tools and systems were employed to support the internal formative evaluation of the design, construction, and implementation of a grades K-4 space mission simulator. The new simulator for early elementary age youth builds on the success of the...
Session Title: Improving Quality of Programs and Evaluation: Examples from the Field Multipaper Session 512 #Appreciative #2010Conference #inquiry #SocialNetworkAnalysis
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This document is the combined presentation and handout for session 573 of the AEA 2010 conference. It outlines a conceptual model for talking about the HR system and how to use evaluation to inform decision-making. #Development #management #employee #evaluative #inquiry ...
This interactive demonstration introduces a new method of utilizing assessment data to identify instructional and program effectiveness, starting with a four-quadrant approach. Participants will learn ways to make maximal use of data to help teachers improve their craft by applying a graphic,...