This interactive demonstration introduces a new method of utilizing assessment data to identify instructional and program effectiveness, starting with a four-quadrant approach. Participants will learn ways to make maximal use of data to help teachers improve their craft by applying a graphic, growth-by-achievement-performance summaries. The feedback tool discussed includes an innovative and transparent growth model that employs a test-independent, normalized gain and performance index. Use of the tool provides a practical way to help educators get a better and rapid understanding of what students know and must be able to do from year-to-year or pretest-to-post-test in school, district, and state assessments. With constructive and timely feedback, teachers can be empowered to frame issues around 4+2 essential questions in professional learning communities.#Evaluation2009 #continuous #IntegratingTechnologyintoEvaluation #PK-12 #Prek-12EducationalEvaluation #improvement #inquiry #student #PLCs #Data #achievement