As schools turn to data-driven decision making to improve student achievement, research is playing an increasingly important role in local policy making. Efforts have been made to help policy makers better understand research with a focus on research design and method. However, how to better use research has received little attention. This paper addresses this matter by discussing five issues concerning interpreting and applying research: 1) there is a difference between sample-based and population-based research; 2) statistical results are best guesses rather than decisive answers; 3) statistically significant results are not everything; 4) not all research results are applicable to local setting; and 5) research results are just one source of evidence. It is hoped that school administrators will have a new perspective when interpreting and applying research and feel empowered to ask more from researchers
Shift attention from research design to interpretation.pptx
This includes two meta-data issues: Process Management ((the method of the “business process”) includes the management using participatory evaluation of a process-based chain of events leading to desired outcome(s)) and Research Metrics (a solid grounding in the “facts” about whether there is progress towards desired goals)
Evaluation or assessment of scientific work in universities and other research organizations has traditionally been organised around the peer review system with its almost jury-like functionality and a history of more than 300 years
AEA paper 2009 Peer reviuew and dialogue.doc
At the UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, embedded evaluators use nested logic models to summarize complex layers of intent, assist with program improvement, encourage an evaluative perspective, communicate program achievements, and identify evaluation tasks and metrics
Hogle AEA 2011 session 871.pptx
Presentations made by Steffen Bohni & Sebastian Lemire; Tina Taylor-Ritzler; Jean King on models and instruments to measure and build evaluation capacity #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #Modelsofandinstrumentstomeasureevaluationcapacity #2011Conference
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See matching library entry files - University of Illinois at Chicago AEA Conference...
Presentation for Evaluation 2011, from Session 492 - Methods I: New Approaches to Assessment in Higher Education - Currently, institutional research (IR) offices in community colleges nationwide are collecting and reporting on extensive data sets
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See matching library entry files - Host health agencies must demonstrate capacity ...
Working with vulnerable populations raises questions of reciprocity: as evaluators, we acquire information from communities, but what are we giving back? In this session, the presenter will demonstrate how a community consultation was structured in a way that not only collected data from...
Eval2015-Reciprocity in Research.pptx
Demonstration session at AEA annual conference 2010 from Thomson Reuters, focusing on bibliometric indicators and methods used to assess research performance. Metrics are derived from the Web of Science, the most widely used multidisciplinary citation index
AEA conference 2010 Thomson Reuters bibliometrics demonstration.ppt
The whole analytical structure for decision-making, mandatory range of weights, checklists for analyzing logical linkages and rationales, and recommended scope of benefits are described and offer brief guidelines as to their use. #feasibility #Research,Technology,andDevelopmentEval #Preliminary #DiversityandInclusion #2012Conference #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #exanteEvaluation
The mission of the Practice Research Network is to build an infrastructure linking investigators at The University of Maryland, Baltimore, Department of Psychiatry with the public mental health system through an innovative approach to nurturing the development of activities that reflect the value of a collaborative and participatory approach to research
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See matching library entry files - Have your experiences with the PRN liaison chang...