The vast majority of United States Federal government evaluations are conducted by contractors, but effective contracting is rarely examined. Our panel of government evaluators, contractors, and academics addressed questions related to evaluation contracting and how it can be done more effectively. 1. Name one legal and/or regulatory obstacle that can affect the quality of contracted evaluations. Potential solutions?
1. Evaluation Contracting.pptx
This paper discusses the reasons and implications for rapid evaluation techniques and how these change the social contracts and power in an evaluation, encourage collaboration and promote use
AEA 2009 Rapid Response Presentation 2.ppt
Building Evaluation Capacity With Technology: Using Web Analytics, Web Integrated Database, and Computer Aided Web Interviewing Scheduled at time: Thursday, Nov 12, 9:15 AM to 10:45 AM Session type: Multipaper Scheduled in room: Panzacola G-2 #IntegratingTechnologyintoEvaluation ...
AEA slides USM handouts.pdf
Ideally, decisions about evaluation design and implementation draw on the knowledge and expertise of the commissioning agency, evaluators and other relevant stakeholders. However standard procurement processes and existing power differentials often preclude this, leading to evaluations which don...
This handout relates to my presentation at AEA 2014. It includes a set of draft ‘criteria for developing criteria’, with particular reference to public sector evaluations. The criteria derive from analysis of a survey completed as the first stage of a broader research project aimed at...
Power point presentation from the Evaluation 2009 conference presentation by same name. This presentation was part of Panel 719 - Constructing a Home for Evaluation by Building Capacity One Step at a Time. #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #2009Conference #Evaluation2009
AEA 09 SD MW Final Notes Removed.ppt
#Evaluation2009 #2009Conference #SocialWork
Building Effective BCP.pdf
This was presented at Evaluation 2009 in Orlando. The goal of the demonstration was to prove evaluators with an overview of the factors that must be considered when designing a cost-analysis. Cost analysis is much more complex than most evaluators recognize. This session was design to let...
Cost Analysis 101.ppt
This presentation explored data collection issues faced by external evaluators (contractors) to meet evaluation design and data collection needs, including: • the challenge of meeting client needs that are not always fully conveyed in requests for proposal (RFP) or Question and Answer...
2016 AEA Federal Data Collection Bernstein.pptx
Presented by Jennifer Hamilton, Senior Study Director, Westat and David Bernstein, Senior Study Director, Westat. Opinions are our own. The majority of US federal government evaluations are conducted by external evaluators. However, conducting evaluations is just one of the roles that external...
2016 Bernstein Hamilton Evaluation Contracting Final.pptx