CSO Evaluability Assessment Checklist_March 15.2017.pdf
Using appreciative inquiry in conducting an evaluability assessment, we focused on the strengths and success of the Institutional Research and Analytics (IR & A) at Southern Illinois University. Our challenge was to assess OIR & A and design an evaluation which would inform the office on how...
AEA 2016 EA Presentation - T. Grayson.pptx
ABSTRACT To what extent can the underlying logic of interventions within higher education settings be made explicit to multiple stakeholders? This session demonstrates how a diagnostic tool, known as evaluability assessment (EA), can be leveraged to capture the conceptualization and logical...
Demo Session 317_10 25 2012 Evaluability Assessment.pptx
I have designed a worksheet to help students navigate / negotiate a program evaluation to be carried out in their internship agencies. The worksheet is on conducting the evaluability assessment. Though it was designed specifically for use by graduate students in the Masters of Social Work...
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The readiness assessment tool for evaluation capacity building is described, including its purposes and applications. The tool is used to obtain information on an organization's and a programs readiness for evaluation capacity building. The development of the tool was informed by Preskill and...
Danseco etal2009 AEA Final.ppt