Summertime...and the evaluating is easy! In this session, participants will build skills to design evaluations in a summer learning program or camp setting. Using a camp evaluation planning template, participants will design a plan to either support evaluation capacity in a summer program with which they work or directly conduct an evaluation in a summer program. Topics will include choosing evaluation questions and methods, training and working with staff and counselors, collecting data with youth aged 6 to 16, and reporting tips
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Three presentations as they were presented at AEA 2015 for the session, "Meaningful Evaluation in the Context of Schools" on Fri, Nov 13, 2015 (03:30 PM - 04:15 PM). 1. Holistically Evaluating Teacher Professional Development 2. Rapid Cycles of Evaluation for School Improvement 3
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Presentation at AEA 2011: A review of the development of an evaluators network for the National Tobacco Control Program evaluators
OSH Evaluators Network Development 11-15-2011.ppt
It outlines a conceptual model for talking about the HR system and how to use evaluation to inform decision-making. #Development #management #employee #evaluative #inquiry #BusinessLeadershipandPerformance #resources #talent #human #2010Conference #HR #Performance
Includes presentation from a foundation (Rockefeller Foundation) an evaluator (Jared Raynor of TCC Group) and two network representatives (Cristina Rumbaitis del Rio and Steve Adams). Talks about how evaluators can be used during the network formation stage
AEA 2011 Session 713 Building Networks on Sturdy Ground Through Evaluation Support.pdf
Presentation slides from Evaluation 2015. #reserachanddevelopment #commonguidelines #programevaluation #2015Conference #STEMEducationandTraining
These documents describe and present a tool to assess an organization's monitoring and evaluation standards. This was created for a decentralized health development organization (Jhpiego, an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University) working in 45 countries and a diverse monitoring and evaluation staff to provide organizational expectations for M&E
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The purpose of this research was to evaluate effectiveness, efficiency and result of management and performance in national policies and strategies for child development by mixed methods evaluation. The evaluation results showed that: context-provincial officers ran the operation as general work, not mission emerged from the strategies; input-the plan was standardized target groups, and its budget was adequately allocated; process-the plans were appropriate and effective, and monitoring and quality assessment were run; effectiveness-the percentage of target group children did not go down as planned; impact-the plan officers concentrated on target group children’s behavior, not skill or proficiency improvement; sustainability-the society needed planned operations and offered help and support for cooperation; transportability-the central national strategies and plans could not operated effectively, so each province was supposed to run its own plans and strategies with supports from the center
See matching library entry files - The purpose of this research was to eval...
A 2010 study on TORs and RFPs issued by international development organizations found that rigid evaluation terms of reference (TORs) or requests for proposals (RFP) limit evaluators’ ability to determine (i) the best approach and methodology for given evaluation problem and (ii) the most feasible procedures for implementing the evaluation under given (and often unknown) timelines and budgets. On the other extreme, TORs are often vague and provide no budgetary guidelines leaving evaluators guessing as to what evaluation commissioners require. This paper presents real world strategies for international development commissioners to improve the quality of their TORs and RFPs by overcoming common mistakes such as short turnaround time for proposals, rushed start dates, short evaluation timeline, strict familiarity/experience requirements, and rigid guidelines for evaluation conduct. Session participants will be encouraged to share their suggestions for successful evaluation TORs and RFPs. #2011Conference #DiversityandInclusion #developmentevaluation #rfp #internationaldevelopmentevaluation #internationaldevelopment #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #Tor
Poster presented at 2016 AEA Conference #UseandInfluenceofEvaluation #STEMEducationandTraining #2016Conference #highereducation #professionaldevelopment #formativeevaluation
JManweiler AEA Poster 10 24.pdf