Paper from the presentation about "Three Keys to Fusing STEAM Education: Digital Multimedia, Design Tools, and Computer-based Adaptive Multimedia" by Daniel Tillman, Song An, Meilan Zhang, and Rachel Boren
AEA2014 Paper.docx
In search of SMART software and tools for evaluation - presentation from 2013 Ignite Session 198 #Miradi #logframe #resultschain #projectdesignreview #conceptualmodel #Instruments #Ignite
The design of evaluation tools and integration of data into practice is also innovative and challenging, with implications for other health programs
biesecker AEA Ignite 2016 with narrative in notes.pptx
In this panel presentation we discussed: 1) How RWJF shifted its evaluation focus from accountability to learning and prioritized rapid cycle learning (RCL); 2) How the evaluation team worked with RWJF to plan for and integrate RCL tools; and 3) How integrating RCL within the design phase positioned RWJF for learning during program implementation
AEA 2016_RCL panel slides 11.20.2016_FINAL.pdf
The Cynefin framework is a systems thinking tool that can be used to describe evaluation situations
Cynefin Case Example aea2010.pdf
The session will include an introduction to universal design (the concept of designing products or programs so that they are accessible to everyone) as well as some practical strategies and tools for making evaluations more inclusive at every stage
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To encourage participants to explore how design thinking could improve their evaluation efforts, the facilitators of this Think Tank session will provide a brief overview of design thinking concepts and tools, along with examples of how it has been applied to evaluation and organizational learning efforts
Session 1414, Evaluation 2015: Design Thinking for Exemplary Evaluation: Three Examples of Design for Evaluation and Organizational Learning While the other presenters in the panel will describe the application of design thinking to program evaluation, this presentation will focus on a...
This is a handout to accompany the webinar. "Death by PowerPoint" isn't true. Poor design won't kill your audience literally - just their attention and the likelihood they'll use your findings. Join Stephanie Evergreen from the Evaluation Center at Western Michigan University to learn the 3...
You Handout.pdf
The presentation from Jeremy Paley and Aimee White about creating a international shared measurement system for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation #sharedindicators #collaborativedesign #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval ...
Final CIMS AEA presentation Oct 2013.pdf