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Design Thinking: What Is It and Why Should Evaluators Care? (Evaluation 2014, Session 234) 

01-06-2015 17:28

Oct 17, 2014 (01:45 PM - 03:15 PM) Session Number: 234, Nonprofit and Foundations Track, Think Tank Rosanna Tran [California HealthCare Foundation] & Srik Gopal [FSG] Session Abstract: Evaluation and organizational learning efforts in nonprofit organizations and foundations are often hampered by low levels of engagement and buy‐in, and by negative connotations. One useful approach to increase interest and engagement in evaluation is design thinking -- a user-centered, participatory, and iterative method for developing solutions to abstract, ill-defined, or complex problems. To encourage participants to explore how design thinking could improve their evaluation efforts, the facilitators of this Think Tank session will provide a brief overview of design thinking concepts and tools, along with examples of how it has been applied to evaluation and organizational learning efforts. Participants will work in small groups to practice the application of design thinking, and to explore design thinking's relevance to evaluation -- particularly its potential to build stronger and more productive relationships between foundations, grantees, evaluators, program staff, and program beneficiaries.

#designthinking #2014Conference #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation

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