Evaluation Capacity Building With Community-Based Organizations: Results of a Yearlong Planning Process and Curriculum As funders continue presenting grantees with reporting requirements of increasing scope and complexity, it is essential that nonprofit agencies have appropriate expertise and capacity to build meaningful evaluation into their work. Many community-based organizations, however, lack such capacity. In 2006, a Twin Cities coalition of 25 nonprofits, primarily community centers and others sharing settlement house values, first began discussing their capacity with respect to evaluation
Evaluation 2009 Presentation Shanker, Reich, Pejsa & King-ECB.pdf
The Appalachian Information Technology Extension Service (AITES) project's overarching goal is to increase girls' interest in jobs requiring information technology (IT) skills through the development of community capacity. Developing community capacity is accomplished by training Community Cohort Teams (CCT) which consist of teachers, school counselors, and Cooperative Extension agents
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See matching library entry files - Using SNA to inform community capacity...
ABSTRACT An overview of Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD; Kretzmann & McKnight, 1993) is given, while emphasizing the role of children. The use of capacity inventories and its implementation to create asset maps is highlighted. In order to push innovative evaluation practice, it is suggested that a specific child-oriented exemplar capacity inventory is developed using Kretzmann and McKnight‘s 1993 Capacity Inventory
See matching library entry files - In order to push innovative evaluation practice,...
Social ecological perspectives including assessing and determining adequacy of interventions from a social ecology perspective Community capacity, including expanding our perspectives of community capacity within the construct of health promotion, identifying linkages that interconnect to strengthen community capacity, and developing an evaluation approach that assesses the development of community capacity Uncovering “deeper structural meanings” in community responses to evaluation Robert M
See matching library entry files - Illustrate the FORECAST Method based on social e...
Participatory action evaluation (PAE) is a type of concept-driven participatory action research and is intended to provoke thought and discussion among its participants, thus building community capacity, as well as generating a wealth of information useful to researchers and decision-makers alike
See matching library entry files - Participatory Action Evaluation – Practical Eval...
This session will provide three examples of efforts to build both collaborative and evaluator capacity to measure and evaluate a collaborative’s success at facilitating community/systems changes
Building Coalition and Evaluator Evaluation Capacity to Measure FINAL AEA shared file.pptm
Addresses evaluation capacity building among community-based organizations and health centers from a Technical Assistance and evaluation perspective
See matching library entry files - To address this, the BCBSMAF sought the expertis...
Given the complexity of poverty and the importance of poverty measures in the evaluation of interventions or programs designed to alleviate poverty, we argue that this holistic approach may enhance capacity for evaluators and researchers to recognize successful solutions to poverty based on a range of indicators
poverty AEA_Presentation.pdf
In this session, we discuss the challenges we faced in ensuring confidentiality of youth responses to a survey about sexual and other risk behaviors in a Boys and Girls Club setting. We also will discuss the strategies we used to address these challenges and solicit audience thoughts on...
C&C AEA 2011 Sensitive Data in Community Settings handout.pdf
This presentation, part of a broader panel examining evaluation of The California Endowment's Building Healthy Communities initiative, described the use of evaluation principles, primarily logic modeling, to structure a cohesive planning approach and an evaluable cross-site comprehensive...
TCC Group AEA session 2010 Using Evaluation Principles and Logic Models for Largescale Community Pl.pdf