This presentation reviews the evaluation of the Arizona Kinship Support Services (AKSS) Program, funded from 2012-2015 by a Children's Bureau Family Connections/TANF Kinship Navigation grant
Case Study of a Kinship Navigation Demonstration Grant in Arizona_10-29-2016.pdf
The Federal Child and Family Service Reviews (CFSR) specify child welfare outcome goals in three areas: safety, permanency, and well-being
HSRI KN Collaboration Presentation, Nov 2011 AEA.ppt
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See matching library entry files - Item 3: Services to family prot...
Presentation slides and handouts for conference session with the following abstract: In response to the federal push for results-based performance indicators, the U.S. Department of Education undertook the development of a national outcomes measurement system for early childhood programs...
5 attachments
See matching library entry files - papers, manuals, videos) Quality assurance & tra...
In California’s Child Welfare Common Core Training Program, Caucasian trainees have often scored higher on posttests, and occasionally have increased their scores more from pre to posttest than trainees in one or more other racial/ethnic groups. However, previous analyses in which items showing...
Parry, C., Coloma, J., & Zeitler, L. (2011).pdf