Evaluation-specific methodology: Why it MUST be in your toolkit. Slides from a 45-minute demonstration session from Jane Davidson and Michael Scriven at AEA 2013 in Washington DC. For more information, please see http://RealEvaluation.com and http://MichaelScriven.info #Rubrics ...
2013-10 AEA 45-min demo evaluation-specific methodology JDMS.pdf
A basic introduction to the "what, why, and how" of evaluation rubrics - from Jane Davidson. Presented at AEA 2013 as part of a session with Michael Scriven (as discussant) and Thomaz Chianca and Monica Pinto presenting a case study to illustrate. See also http://RealEvaluation.com (Jane...
2013-10 AEA Intro to Rubrics - what why how.pdf
Presentation at AEA 2013 conference as part of the panel titled: "Evaluation rubrics: What, why, and how" with Jane Davidson, Monica Pinto and Michael Scriven. The panel was designed to help participants understand what evaluation rubrics methodology is, why it is so important, and some tips for...
AEA'13 - Apres Thomaz 2013-10-18.pdf
A slide show to present the Heifer Impact Evaluation Model, lessons learned from its application in the past five years, and a reflection about its relevance to the field of international development as an alternative to experimental designs.Heifer International has reached millions of families...
Chianca - Heifer Impact Eval.pdf
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