Power Point presentation for Roundtable at AEA Friday 18th October 8-9.30am #PowerPointforRountableatAEA201318Oct
Power Point AES AEA 2013.pdf
Master Teacher Series—Powering up for the Head Start on Science program: Using power analysis to plan the sample size required for a multi-site cluster randomized trial. Demonstration session presented at Evaluation in Complex Ecologies: Relationships, Responsibilities, Relevance, the 26th annual conference of the American Evaluation Association, Minneapolis, MN
This slide and handout were used in 2012 AEA annual conference
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See matching library entry files - Online version of this article can be found ......A...
A decision-tree (DT) comparison approach is proposed for structural equation models (SEM) which evaluate preventive intervention effects according to model fit to the data and statistical power to detect the outcome effects. DT for SEM rank-orders competing models and illustrates potential different outcome evaluation conclusions. The method is exemplified with the Youth Action Research for Prevention (YARP) project, a risk prevention youth development program for low-income inner city youth (average age 15.3 years) in Hartford, Connecticut. Eight well-fitting models had enough statistical power and demonstrated positive intervention effects on internal locus of control (ILC) in the intervention YARP youth group, while six alternative well-fitting models with insufficient power showed no effects. DT for SEM proves valuable for constituent policy makers and organizations in nuanced decision-making on funding or replicating preventive interventions based on most plausible evidence
Which criteria should be used to select higher performing schools? The assessment of statistical significance helps researchers summarize the evidence against a null hypothesis. However, it is not always a simple task to discern the true meaning or value of the results of null hypothesis...
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See matching library entry files - [bookmark: IDX] ( Top 10% of school effect sizes...