This is a presentation given by Vinod Thomas, Director-General of the World Bank Group's Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), at the American Evaluation Association's 2009 Annual Conference. It addresses evaluation to improve results, evaluation principles and challenges, evaluation and institutional frameworks and the way forward
Panel presented at the 2013 AEA Conference Chair and Discussant: Suzanne Markoe Hayes Presenters: Frances Reyes, Krystal Gibson, and Bree Hemingway #InternalEvaluation #database #realtiimemonitoring #MixedMethodsEvaluation #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #Non...
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These documents describe and present a tool to assess an organization's monitoring and evaluation standards. This was created for a decentralized health development organization (Jhpiego, an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University) working in 45 countries and a diverse monitoring and evaluation staff to provide organizational expectations for M&E
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Although both PM and evaluation share the core concepts of improving organizational learning and practice, in practice, systems of PM have generally fallen far short of their promise. Evaluators can play a key role in the evolution of PM by helping to craft PM systems which integrate multiple data sources to provide meaningful information for decision-making, and which will promote and improve organizational learning. This presentation focuses on two major issues in PM which are of interest to evaluators: a) the roles of evaluation and monitoring in a PM system, and b) ways evaluators can improve the production, dissemination, and utilization of evaluation information within a PM system
Presentation at Session 910 'Systems Thinking Evaluation Tools and Approaches for Measuring System Change' #complexinterventions #2011Conference #SystemsinEvaluation #monitoringchangeprocesses
Reforms at the GEF led its Council to request the Evaluation Office and Secretariat to work with the GEF partnership and revise the GEF Monitoring & Evaluation policy for its next programming period
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See matching library entry files - An Evaluative Function—the main function of the ...
#HowTo #BusinessLeadershipandPerformance #evaluation #value #partnerships #VivienneJWildes #monitoring #2013Conference #Communications
DETERMINING THE ADDED-VALUE OF PARTNERSHIPS, Vivienne J Wildes AEA conference presentation.pptx
By emphasizing project monitoring, CRS is seeking to balance its desire to seek and listen with its evaluative obligations to quantify and prove
AEA 2012_final.pptx
A tool for identifying and understanding results in complex circumstances #Complexity #MonitoringandEvaluation #OutcomeHarvesting
AEA 2013 Outcome Harvesting PRINT.pptx