Using appreciative inquiry in conducting an evaluability assessment, we focused on the strengths and success of the Institutional Research and Analytics (IR & A) at Southern Illinois University. Our challenge was to assess OIR & A and design an evaluation which would inform the office on how...
AEA 2016 EA Presentation - T. Grayson.pptx
Information for the Maryland Behavioral Health Administration’s (BHA) Outcomes Measurement System (OMS) is gathered from individuals who are receiving outpatient treatment services in the Public Behavioral Health System (PBHS). The data is collected over time across various life domains....
Poster AEA -2015.pdf
The systematic collection of outcomes data in the Maryland Public Behavioral Health System (PBHS) has generated a wealth of data over several years through its Outcome Measurement System (OMS). The data is collected from individuals receiving outpatient treatment services in the PBHS across...
Poster - AEA 2016.pdf
Measuring for business impact naturally focuses on results. Organizations want to know if their investments are contributing to the business, yet very few of CEOs surveyed said they have good insights into the real impact of their L&D investments (Bersin by Deloitte, 2015). This session will...
AEA Fall 2016 - Measurement Map v4.pdf
Draft paper presented on Nov. 12, 2015 at Evaluation 2015 Abstract: Calls for "evidence‐based policy" and for assessing how well government programs work have been around for many years. The George W. Bush and Barack Obama Administrations both espoused support for the generation and use of...
2 attachments
Given the increased attention to resilience-strengthening in international humanitarian and development work, there has been concurrent interest in its measurement and the overall accountability of “resilience strengthening” initiatives. The literature is reaching beyond the polemic of defining...
AEA Resilience Session Denver AEA - 10-2014.pdf
This skill building workshop at #eval14, the 2014 AEA conference, addressed five questions. What are the types of performance measures, and how are performance measures used? What is a logic model, and what are some examples of performance measurement use models? What are the obstacles to...
4. Developing Effective Performance Measures.pptx
Part of a panel discussion: Climbing the accountability mountain – Four INGOs’ experiences implementing participatory reflection processes. Mercy Corps' experience with a system called Mission Metrics is examined, and other experiences and processes promoting participatory reflection are...
Accountability panel - AEA 2014 - Mercy Corps.pptx
As part of a panel discussion on Agency Level Measurements – Can they be Used to Evaluate Organizational Impact? (with Pact, Save the Children, and CRS). Mercy Corps examines its experience with Mission Metrics - an agency-level measurement system in use for 3 years and discontinued as of 2013....
Agency Level Measurement - AEA 2014.pptx
The presentation from Jeremy Paley and Aimee White about creating a international shared measurement system for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation #sharedindicators #collaborativedesign #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval ...
Final CIMS AEA presentation Oct 2013.pdf