Shifting an organizational culture so that nonprofit staff actually uses evaluation results can be extremely challenging. The Latin American Youth Center (LAYC), a multi-service nonprofit in Washington, D.C., is an example of a nonprofit that has been working to achieve this culture change. ...
Presentation Abstract: A key component of the Families Come First evaluation focuses on gathering data about women enrolled in Meta House, Inc., a residential substance abuse treatment program for women and children in Milwaukee, WI. Substantial evaluation capacity was in place prior to the...
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Case Study: How one organization incorporates QA & QI in a utilization focused approach to accomplish their goals. #evaluation #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #2010Conference #focused #GovernmentEvaluation #Internal #utilization #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding...
AEA 2010 Stan Presentation.pptx
Presentation slides from AEA Conference 2009. Abstract: The classic critique of internal evaluators is that they know more and care more about programs than an external evaluator would; this situation presents them with two special challenges. The experiences of a funding agency for local...