This is one of three presentations given at Eval 2016 based on data from the Topical Interest Group 2015 Decennial Survey. The presentation gives a glimpse of independent consultants' interests and concerns about business growth and start up. It also includes suggestions provided by survey...
IC TIG Survey_Interests & Concerns_NM_102816.ppsx
The Client Feedback Form (CFF) was developed by several members of the American Evaluation Association’s TIG for Independent Consulting as a result of a desire to "walk the talk". The purpose of the CFF is to assist evaluators, including those who do not own their own consulting businesses, in...
2 attachments
This document was prepared to accompany the roundtable session, Mentoring via the Independent Consulting TIG: Enhancing the Value of Professional Affiliations (session # 201). The document was prepared by Norma Martinez-Rubin, Evaluation Focused Consulting and Becky Melzer, Evaluation Edge LLC. ...
IC TIG Mentoring Survey - RT Handout.pdf