#CampusSafety #eval14 #NeedsA #Crime #2014Conference #GIS #dataviz #GeographicInformationSystems
AEA 2014 Campus Safety - Data Visualization 101014 mmf notes.pdf
In many evaluations of community interventions, the classifiers of “rural” and “urban” are used as proxies for access to resources and need for services, based on an assumed homogeneity of so-called “rural” communities. This presentation will encourage participants to think more broadly about...
AEA Rural Presentation 10.17.14.pdf
DVR Session 1 from Eval 2014, DVR TIG, use of geographic information systems (GIS) in evaluation and evaluation reporting. #DVR #DataVisualizationandReporting #Eval2014 #GIS
GIS in evaluation-Chesnut, Johnson, Hitchcock, Moss.pptx
Session Description: At a broad level this workshop will provide an overview of what a geographic information system (GIS) is and ways in which one can be used for evaluative purposes. Specifically, workshop participants will be engaged in an interactive presentation and discussion about how...
Using GIS in Evaluation - Eval Institute 2010 Handout.doc
Handouts for this Coffee Break Webinar are attached and publicly downloadable. Click here to access a recording of this coffee break webinar. Webinar recordings are available to AEA members only and you will be asked to sign in. Webinar Description: This is a handout to...
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