From multipaper session 852: Research on Evaluator Competencies. Abstract: Using Stevahn, King, Ghere, & Minnema’s (2005) Essential Competencies for Program Evaluators, a content analysis of articles/chapters for three theoretical evaluation approaches was conducted. The goal of the study is to examine the key competencies required to design and implement different evaluation approaches. The data collected will be analyzed by evaluation approach to find how they compare and differ on their emphasized use of specific evaluator competencies. The results of this study have numerous implications that can strengthen the quality of future evaluations through avenues such as evaluator training and additional research on evaluation specific to evaluation approaches
In Search of Evaluator Competencies.pptx
Respondents were asked about their training experiences, their confidence in certain skills and knowledge, and the components of their training in evaluation that had the greatest impact on the development of a certain set of competencies. A paired comparison analysis was conducted to assess the differences between the contributions of elements of a training program to the development of each competency
Dillman, AEA, Evaluator Skill Acquisition.pdf
Across the world, VOPEs are addressing their diverse evaluation practice through the development of evaluator competency frameworks. These competencies are being used for different purposes depending on their context from guidelines to inform professional development to a foundation for professional designation programs. Panellists from Australia, the United States, and Canada with diverse evaluation practices (internal/external evaluators, academics, educators, credentialing board members, evaluation users, etc.) examine their experiences with developing and using competencies. What critical role did the development of evaluator competencies have in the professionalization of evaluation in their context?
Session1414 Global Evolution of Evaluator
In this presentation I will provide examples of typical flaws in program logic, suggest how to fix them in the course of evaluation, and argue that reconstruction of program logic should be an essential part of most evaluations and one of evaluators’ competencies. #2012Conference #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #DiversityandInclusion #ProgramLogic #EvaluatorCompetencies
Reconstruction of Program Logic Kuzmin for upload.pptx
Jean King, one of the authors of the Essential Competencies for Program Evaluators upon which the CES credentialing is based, will reflect on this development
King CES Response PPT, 10-11.pptx
Material distributed at Roundtable Presentation #743, Evaluation 2011, Anaheim, CA. The 2-page document explains why the presenter chose to examine this topic, contextual distinctions that may influence evaluation approaches, questions upon which to reflect, an abbreviated listing of the AEA...
Straddling Int&Ext Eval Role.pdf