#RubricsMethodology #EvaluationandProgramDesign #2016Conference #Rubrics
Apresentacao_Geracao_Movimento_ALTERACOES MM..pdf
This project was designed to 1) establish criteria for conducting a culturally responsive evaluation of STEM programs and 2) to establish criteria for assessing cultural responsiveness in STEM program planning
ADPIE PosterAEA2009.pptx
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Evaluation questions identify what aspects of a program will be investigated. They focus on the merit, worth, or significance of a program or particular aspects of a program
In 2016, AaEA restructured its pro-bono program to expand its reach
Pro Bono AEA Presentation 10-26-16_final3.pdf
In this panel presentation we discussed: 1) How RWJF shifted its evaluation focus from accountability to learning and prioritized rapid cycle learning (RCL); 2) How the evaluation team worked with RWJF to plan for and integrate RCL tools; and 3) How integrating RCL within the design phase positioned RWJF for learning during program implementation
AEA 2016_RCL panel slides 11.20.2016_FINAL.pdf
Estimating causal effects is an important aim in the field of program evaluation, but many programs and policies are implemented in geographically defined jurisdictions, such as school districts or states, and not by randomly assigning participants to a treatment or control group
This presentation touches on matters to address in evaluation design and program delivery intended to be culturally responsive
2 attachments
See matching library entry files - Norma: CDC’s framework for program...
The panel illustrates some of the key observations gleaned through its application of program evaluation and Lean. In addition the panel illustrates the inextricable elements of program design, evaluation design, and information design are best embodied by a full integrated approach of these tools
Session 1921 Evaluation into Lean.pdf
Pivot to Peace is a hospital-based violence intervention program that serves patients ages 18-34 who are treated for gunshot/stab wounds at University of Louisville Hospital
Trinidad Jackson 2016 AEA poster.pdf
The presentation addressed four specific areas: facilitating education of federal staff (internal evaluators and program staff) through education and training; addressing resource issues by expanding federal capacity to design and conduct evaluations; help ensure continuous use of evaluation methods and results; and developing increased evaluation capacity by expanding skill sets and methodologies available to support federal evaluation and accountability
2016 Bernstein Hamilton Evaluation Contracting Final.pptx