After presenting several stories of working with nonprofits with vastly different capacities, this session will share how to use the recently developed Evaluation Capacity Diagnostic Tool
BTW Evaluation Capacity Diagnostic Tool1.pdf
Evaluation capacity building (ECB) is a growing area reflecting an ever increasing expectation of evidence that programs are achieving their goals
Synthesis ECB AEA 11.14.09 Session 734.ppt
Evaluation capacity-building for communities participating in YMCA of the USA's Healthier Communities Initiatives
Noting several valuable uses for the system and its rubric-structured feedback, the authors go on to provide aggregate data they are using to guide more focused assessment capacity-building efforts
Using Peer Feedback for Assessment Capacity-building.pdf
This panel presented results from a research study about evaluation capacity building in the NISE Net, a national network supporting informal education about nanoscience
2015 AEA CASNET combined slides.pptx
These handouts describe our evaluation capacity building model, the knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to ECB, as well as detailed descriptions of several capacity building approaches. #TeachingofEvaluation #2009Conference #evaluation #HowTo #capacity #Evaluation2009 #building #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding
AEA 09 ECB Handouts - Final.doc
Bring your own ‘best practices' to share as we work towards building the evaluation capacity of community practitioners and organizations. This year’s workshop also will include a section on organizational capacity building that goes beyond individual competencies and skills – strategies to build resources and support and the organizational environment for sustaining evaluation. You will learn: Activities to use in building essential evaluation knowledge and skills; Methods and techniques that facilitate evaluation learning; What to consider in choosing among options to better suit needs, requests and realities; Strategies, beyond teaching and training, for building organizational evaluation capacity. Ellen Taylor-Powell is widely recognized for her work in evaluation capacity building. Her 20 years in Extension have focused continuously on evaluation training and capacity building with concentration on individual, team, and organizational learning. #capacity #2010Conference #evaluation
Substantial evaluation capacity was in place prior to the project’s implementation, including a solid infrastructure and institutional support
4 attachments
See matching library entry files - Eval12 Session 952, Evaluation Capacity...
This slideset was used for my presentation in AEA 2009 Session 484 on Friday, November 13. Please contact me with any questions and feedback you may have! #2009Conference #Data #Evaluation2009 #evaluation #Process #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval #Tuberculosis ...
AEA 2009 - Building Program Capacity for Evaluating National Tuberculosis Surveillance Data Quality.ppt
Context and Evaluating Human Resources for Health Capacity Building (Danny DeVries) 2. Indicators for Measuring Human Resources for Health Capacity Building (Linda Fogarty) #USAID #Evaluation2009 #2009Conference #AdvocacyandPolicyChange #HR #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #HealthEvaluation #health #capacity #SystemsinEvaluation #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval
AEA Capacity Project Context and HRH ME FINAL 2009-11-14.ppt