Slides and transcripts of Anjie Rosga's 2018 AEA presentation, "Trust and Numbers" on the history of demographics and objectivity, how numerical measurement and statistics came to replace interpersonal trust within social groups, and the importance of re-centering trust in social research to...
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Materials from the session "Speaking Truths About, For, and To Power in Evaluations of Inclusive Leadership Initiatives," presented by Michael P. Arnold, Director at Informing Change; Michael Hannaman, Research Assistant at Informing Change; and Laura Rodriguez, Director of Programs at Youth...
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Materials from the session "Developmental Evaluation as an Equity Tool to Shift the Funder-Grantee Power Dynamic" presented by Anjie Rosga and Theresa Esparrago Lieu of Informing Change (Berkeley, CA) at AEA 2018. #2018Conference #Eval18 #developmentalevaluation
Note: The file includes final slides from Kathy Newcomer and Nick Hart's Expert Lecture at Eval18 in Cleveland, OH. The session is intended to discuss the environment for the use of data and findings produced through all sorts of evaluative practices in government. The current expectations...
Newcomer and Hart 2018 -- expert lecture at Eval18.pdf