Note: The file includes final slides from Kathy Newcomer and Nick Hart's Expert Lecture at Eval18 in Cleveland, OH.The session is intended to discuss the environment for the use of data and findings produced through all sorts of evaluative practices in government. The current expectations that “evidence” be increasingly used for accountability and opportunities for learning from the range of available “evidence”, will be explained with the purpose to promote the latter.
The production and use of evidence to inform decisions in local, state, federal, and tribal governments is confusing and uneven. In the U.S., of the implementation of performance measurement, evaluation, statistics, and policy research activities lack a coordinated approach to support broader evidence-building goals and potential uses. Instead, evaluation and performance activities are often siloed with little coordination within or across agencies, even as policymakers increasingly place expectations that more metrics or studies be produced and made transparent for government accountability purposes. The theories of how to improve government performance through the use of evaluation, and the practice on the ground are greatly disconnected. Thus, the lack of coordination in practice contributes to the field’s inability to satisfy key goals to support accountability and transparency, and limits the ability for evidence to promote learning.#Evaluation18 #Eval18 #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #2018Conference #EvaluationPolicy #GovernmentEvaluation