This presentation analyzes the challenges encountered in evaluating E&S performance and impacts in various industry sectors and methodology to identify and benchmark performance indicators
Is the Environmental Footprint Rightly Measured (Nov 2011)3.ppt
This is the powerpoint presentation of "From the Individual to the Environmental-Selecting, Implementing and Evaluating Environmental Strategies to Reduce Binge Drinking" from Session 974: Working With Youth Populations: Challenges and Successes in Evaluation
Selecting, Implementing & Evaluating Environmental Strategies to Reduce Binge Drinking.pptx
This is the PowerPoint of "From the Individual to the Environmental: Selecting, Implementing and Evaluating Environmental Strategies to Reduce Binge Drinking" presented at Multipaper Session 974: Working With Youth Populations: Challenges and Successes in Evaluation
Selecting, Implementing & Evaluating Environmental Strategies to Reduce Binge Drinking1.pptx
This is one of three presentations from the panel entitled "Should environmental and social sustainability be a core value of AEA?" at the AEA 2011 conference. It builds on the concept of the triple bottom line (people, profit, and planet) increasingly being used in business. ...
Example of using mixed methods to evaluate weekend-long environmental education initiative for adults. Evaluation 2010 Multipaper Session 267 - Environmental Education Evaluation: Examining Citizen Collected Data, Mixed Method Designs, and Professional Development #EnvironmentalProgramEvaluation #MixedMethodsEvaluation #environmental #Leopold #2010Conference #education
Evaluation of an Environmental Education Initiative Using Mixed Methods.pptx