This is the PowerPoint of "From the Individual to the Environmental: Selecting, Implementing and Evaluating Environmental Strategies to Reduce Binge Drinking" presented at Multipaper Session 974: Working With Youth Populations: Challenges and Successes in Evaluation. This presentation outlined the successes and challenges of implementing environmental strategies at four county sites involved in the Colorado Prevention Partnership for Success (CPPS) grant. The 5-year grant, awared by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, aims to reduce the rate of binge drinking among Latino high school students throughout the state of Colorado, as measured by the biannual statewide Healthy Kids Colorado Survey. To drive state rates downward, the CPPS initiative encouraged the implementation of environmental strategies such as social marketing campaigns, social host ordinances and compliance checks. Drawing on qualitative data collected at each site, in addition to survey results and aggregated process-level records, the session explored the challenges of shifting from individual prevention programs to broader environmental strategies. The session also highlighted successes that have been achieved after three years of planning and implementation. #EnvironmentalStrategies #YouthFocusedEvaluation #2012Conference #Alcohol,DrugAbuse,andMentalHealth