We partnered with management and board to identify metrics for the organization’s strategic priorities
Strategic Planning Dashboard Case Study handout.pdf
REDCap also makes it easy to import case-level data from a service agency's Management Information System (MIS) securely
2 attachments
See matching library entry files - • A non-commercial use data collection and ......Pr...
Emery R is hotter than ever in the evaluation field as evaluators are looking for ways to improve their data management, analysis, and visualizations
Powerpoint from paper presented at AEA 2007 #DataManagement #AssessmentinHigherEducation #LongitudinalEvaluation #AEA2007
Roundtable session notes and handouts. #Tool #technology #Survey #program #software #Collaboration #datacollection #questionnaire
See matching library entry files - · Integrated reporting tool · Flexible search pa...
Abstract: Recent work by the Foundation Strategies Group on “collective impact” has been getting a great deal of attention in philanthropic, government and nonprofit arenas. This panel will present three different evaluations of projects in Grand Rapids, Michigan that are applying the collective...
Growing a Backbone Place based Work and Collective Impact.pptx
This handout summarizes the key points presented in this session along with references and links to documentation. #highereducation #bigdata
This slideset was used for my presentation in AEA 2009 Session 484 on Friday, November 13. Please contact me with any questions and feedback you may have! #2009Conference #Data #Evaluation2009 #evaluation #Process #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval #Tuberculosis ...
AEA 2009 - Building Program Capacity for Evaluating National Tuberculosis Surveillance Data Quality.ppt
For a number of years, the United Way of Greater Houston (UWGH) has facilitated affinity groups of agencies in the same services field to evaluate common outcomes. Among these affinity groups have been those providing services to victims of domestic and sexual violence (six agencies with about...
Pencil Versus Keyboard_CMedits.pptx
Sessions Description: Collect, analyze, and present data from complex evaluation studies in ways that are feasible for the evaluator and meaningful to the client. Explore lessons learned through over twenty years in evaluation consulting to ask the right questions, collect the right data and...