Sessions Description: Collect, analyze, and present data from complex evaluation studies in ways that are feasible for the evaluator and meaningful to the client. Explore lessons learned through over twenty years in evaluation consulting to ask the right questions, collect the right data and analyze and present findings in simple yet comprehensive ways.
We will use actual data samples along with examples of analysis techniques. You will have an opportunity to work in small groups with sample data and will explore various analysis techniques. Throughout the workshop, the presenter will respond to individual questions and facilitate group discussion on data handling topics. At the end of the workshop, you will take away fresh ideas to tackle your data handling challenges.
You will learn:
Gail V. Barrington is an independent consultant who started her consulting firm, Barrington Research Group, Inc. in 1985. She has conducted over 100 program evaluation studies and has made a significant contribution to the field of evaluation through her practice, writing, teaching, training, mentoring and service. In 2008, she won the Canadian Evaluation Society award for her Contribution to Evaluation in Canada.