Designing an internal evaluation system across a diverse set of arts education programs is a complex challenge. Programs can have varying aims, audiences, and contextual variables that can often be in flux. This panel examines the initial groundwork for a common evaluation system that will meet...
AEA 2015 Demonstration session showing how to use Excel and SPSS to clean, restructure, and merge data sets. #2015Conference #ReadingEnglishLanguageArtsData
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PowerPoint from NEA presentation at Eval13 #ArtsCultureandAudiencesTIG #Eval2013
AEA Presentation3.pptx
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PowerPoint Presentation of Arts Achieve Year 1 Preliminary Results #AEAHistory #2013Conference #Assessment #Arts #Eval2013 #DataDrivenDecisionMaking
Arts Achieve_Impacting Student Success in the Arts - AEA October 2013.pdf
The Eastern Suffolk, NY Board of Cooperative Education Services received a US DOE Arts In Education Model Development and Dissemination (AEMDD) grant for Creative Classroom Collaboratives (C3), a demonstration project designed to test the effects of the integration of performance arts into the...
C3 AEA Presentation_October 2013.pdf
Participatory action evaluation (PAE) applies participatory action research techniques and empowerment evaluation in the pursuit of evaluative data and capacity building. PAE uses non-traditional media such as participatory photography, participatory video, metaphor drawing, dramatic...
pae poster.pdf