AEA conference presentation framing roundtable discussion, drawing upon key lessons from the field with accountability to communities. Presenters included Kristin Helz with American Red Cross, Mununuri Musori with International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), and...
AtC AEA Presentation 13Nov2015.pdf
Part of a panel discussion: Climbing the accountability mountain – Four INGOs’ experiences implementing participatory reflection processes. Mercy Corps' experience with a system called Mission Metrics is examined, and other experiences and processes promoting participatory reflection are...
Accountability panel - AEA 2014 - Mercy Corps.pptx
The current narrative of accountability is constructed through a neo-liberal economic perspective that is hegemonic and difficult to modify and reformulate so that the same evaluations can serve the masters of learning and bureaucratic accountability. Building on Vaclev Havel’s notions of...
Accountability and Learning, Mathison AEA13.doc
Performance measurement and reporting systems (PMRS) housed in web-based management information systems are widely used in the public sector to improve accountability and inform decision making. Periodic evaluation of these systems ensures effective performance measurement. This panel...
The Meaningful Exposure to Non-Tested Curriculum in Alaska Project was a result of a court order issued to the State of Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (EED) in the Moore v State of Alaska case. The purpose of the Meaningful Exposure project was to conduct an overall...
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Presentation slides and handouts for conference session with the following abstract: In response to the federal push for results-based performance indicators, the U.S. Department of Education undertook the development of a national outcomes measurement system for early childhood programs...
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How might we help all students learn and grow at high levels? What outcome analytic tools might we use to drive continuous instructional improvement in K-12 systems? We explore these questions (and more) in our session. #instructional-practices #data-analysis #teacher/school...
Nathan Balasubramanian et. al. on Teacher Effectiveness & Teacher Quality.pdf
Citation: Kiernan, Nancy Ellen (2001) Types of Accountability Data: Tipsheet #13, University Park, PA: Penn State Cooperative Extension. This document is part of a series of Tipsheets that contain practical evaluation illustrations based on current research and developed by Nancy Ellen...
Tipsheet 13.pdf