Using the JCSEE's ANSI-approved Program Evaluation Standards to identify key dimensions of quality in evaluations of the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA), the authors illustrate how the resources needed for useful, feasible, proper, accurate and accountable evaluation can be sought and secured, resulting in a more effective and efficient organizational efforts to increase the volume and quality of clinical and translational research
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The Program Evaluation Standards have been widely accepted as the prevailing criteria for assessing evaluation quality in North America
Using the Program Evaluation Standards in Metaevaluation WINGATE.pdf
The Program Evaluation Standards, issued by the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation, aim to enhance the quality of the professional practice of evaluation
Hense - PES model v6_web1.pdf
This paper presents an overview of the concepts of validity and reliability, known as psychometric properties, as related to evaluation measuring instruments, such as satisfaction surveys and attitudinal scales. Program evaluation standards related to data collection and analysis, which provide evidence of the need for psychometrically tested instruments in program evaluation, are discussed
AEA 2013 - Measurement in Evaluation - Schumacher JCCI.pptx
The meta-evaluative rubric was based on key questions related to the Program Evaluation Standards of utility, feasibility, and accuracy; draws from prior meta-evaluation work; and considers the NICE context and the concerns of the environmental and STEM education evaluation communities