An emergency room community health worker recruits participants at point of service, and thereafter, PeaceEd (community-based organization) facilitates connections to social services and conflict resolution training. Evaluation design and metrics of success were determined using stakeholder involvement approaches; outcome indicators are assessed by triangulating primary and secondary quantitative and qualitative data sources either identified, or created by the collaborative members and evaluators. A quasi-experimental evaluation design is used to compare intervention group outcomes to comparison group outcomes; the comparison group is comprised of residents from a Louisville neighborhood containing comparable levels of crime, and other stress-inducing conditions
Trinidad Jackson 2016 AEA poster.pdf
Presented by Jennifer Hamilton, Senior Study Director, Westat and David Bernstein, Senior Study Director, Westat. Opinions are our own. The majority of US federal government evaluations are conducted by external evaluators. However, conducting evaluations is just one of the roles that external...
2016 Bernstein Hamilton Evaluation Contracting Final.pptx
This presentation touches on matters to address in evaluation design and program delivery intended to be culturally responsive
2 attachments
The evaluators developed a mixed methods evaluation design to assess project implementation and outcomes at both the family and systems level. The presenter provided an overview of the project, evaluation design, and data collection instruments developed: a caregiver pre/post survey; staff/partner interviews; an outreach and systems activity log completed by program staff; and collection of administrative data through data sharing agreements with state TANF and child welfare partners. The presenter reviewed project outcomes from data collected and discussed strengths and challenges of this evaluation design. #ChildWelfareSystems #2016Conference #Eval2016 #AEA2016Conference #MixedMethodsEvaluation #KinshipNavigationServices
Case Study of a Kinship Navigation Demonstration Grant in Arizona_10-29-2016.pdf
Presentation at AEA 2013 - Multipaper Session 6; Session Title: Evaluation Design Considerations for Vulnerable Populations; Sponsored by the Disabilities and Other Vulnerable Populations; Wednesday, Oct 16, 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM #BroadeningParticipationResearch #2013Conference #DisabilitiesandOtherVulnerablePopulations
2013-10-16_RDESP BPR AEA presentation FINAL.pdf
In addition the panel illustrates the inextricable elements of program design, evaluation design, and information design are best embodied by a full integrated approach of these tools
Session 1921 Evaluation into Lean.pdf
Slides from each of three presenters: Tracy Hobson: CAAV description; Role of evaluation in program and fund development; Evaluation partnership Anita Baker: Evaluation design, evaluation partnership Jamie Bassell: First year findings, features and challenges; how CAAV has provided a meaningful real-world evaluation learning opportunity #nonprofit #Lesbian,Gay,BisexualandTransgenderIssues #DiversityandInclusion #2012Conference #CenterforAntiViolenceEducation #Movingtarget
Theory-driven evaluation design is applied to assess whether a tobacco prevention program 'Dentists Fighting Nicotine Dependence' (DFND) program could affect the determinants such as students' attitude, subjective norm, knowledge and perceived behavioral control and whether those determinants could actually decrease the number of students initiating tobacco use among adolescents in Saudi Arabia
DFND program.pdf
This paper is designed to generate discussion on the evaluation design and selected findings of an urban career and technical education program, Project Jumpstart, that was designed as an innovative 2+2+2 model for establishing a P-16 career pathway for preparing teachers in urban settings
Educational Career Pathway Programs.pdf
This session will introduce the Measurement Map for "program design", "evaluation design" leading to "design of clear and actionable communication" of the results
AEA Fall 2016 - Measurement Map v4.pdf