In colleges and universities, organizational context is critical for the use of assessment data in program improvement. This paper examines ways of assessing organizational readiness for the kind of learning-organization environment that features an institution-wide, ongoing, highly valued...
Stevenson AEA 09 paper.doc
Shifting an organizational culture so that nonprofit staff actually uses evaluation results can be extremely challenging. The Latin American Youth Center (LAYC), a multi-service nonprofit in Washington, D.C., is an example of a nonprofit that has been working to achieve this culture change. ...
Roundtable by Isaac Castillo, Leah Galvin, and Ann K. Emery Creating a culture where nonprofit staff actually utilizes outcomes measurement and evaluation techniques on a regular basis is extremely challenging. The Latin American Youth Center (LAYC), a multi-service nonprofit in Washington,...
This session will be relevant to other organizations seeking to build, strengthen, or integrate their evaluation & learning functions amidst big change, and organizations seeking to foster a culture of learning and inquiry
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Nonprofit organizations have become more sophisticated in evaluating and reporting on their effectiveness and impact. However, internal systems often need to be built and maintained to ensure that evaluation information is used to address stakeholder reporting needs and to promote...
AEA_2011.11.02_Promoting Eval Use Joint Presentation_FINAL.pptx
The purpose of this roundtable will be to share how issues of social justice are intentionally woven into a graduate course on program evaluation theory. The substance of what is taught, as well as the pedagogy of how it is taught, will aim to expose students to social justice as it relates to...
Draft paper presented on Nov. 12, 2015 at Evaluation 2015 Abstract: Calls for "evidenceābased policy" and for assessing how well government programs work have been around for many years. The George W. Bush and Barack Obama Administrations both espoused support for the generation and use of...
See matching library entry files - Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Peter Ors...
The Global Environment Facility (GEF), a partnership of international agencies has the mandate to finance improvements in the global environment. Agencies work in partnership and with local and international governments and organizations. Reforms at the GEF led its Council to request the...
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See matching library entry files - The main purposes of knowledge creation and shar...
PDF of the Evaluation 2009 Program, sans covers due to size, as it went to print. #2009Conference #Communications #program #Evaluation2009 #Communications #Conference