The ISTE Classroom Observation tool (ICOT) for several years has provided a convenient platform for conducting evaluation observations in technology-using schools
ICOT PP aea11.pptx
We highlight the program model from which we have designed a rubric used to guide thinking on curriculum development and in which we have included in our classroom observation protocol
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See matching library entry files - Slide 17 The rubric is comprised of 6 cate...
This file provides the PowerPoint slides used in our presentation at AEA 2012 in Minneapolis. We describe the combined use of monthly surveys (or teacher logs) and classroom observations to describe the frequency and the quality of teachers' implementation of Project GLAD instructional...
2012 AEA Measuring Implementation in an RCT final.pptx
This workshop focused on how to develop strong goals, objectives, and performance measures within an evaluation in order to demonstrate evidence of a successful intervention. The workshop provided definitions of goals, objectives, and performance measures and the criteria that should be...
Crafting Strong Measures_2M Research_AEA 2019.pdf
This paper discusses the outcomes evaluation of a University’s Middle School Math M.Ed. degree program. The program was initiated through a State-funded grant, in collaboration with a local urban school district and the University. The paper describes how the evaluation team and University’s...
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See matching library entry files - Data Collection for Outcomes Student Achievement...
Slides from Multipaper Session 270, Thursday, November 12, 2009. This presentation explores the strengths and limitations of using citation analysis to assess the influence of program evaluations and evaluators. The presentation provides and overview of how to conduct citation analysis and...
Using Citation Analysis to Study Evaluation Influence AEA Presentation.ppt
Poster presentation 279: Evaluation 2015 -- We look at the challenges and benefits of creating and using a fully articulated program theory model from the perspective of the PI and program stakeholders and from the external evaluator. We use the term "program theory model" to reflect a model...
CTTI AEA Conference Poster 2015 FINAL.pdf
Fidelity is the extent to which the intervention, as realized, is “faithful” to the pre-stated model. Measuring implementation fidelity provides data for understanding the overall impact of the program at the teacher level, site level, and state level. This paper describes the tools used to...
Understanding State Level Impact Using Implementation Fidelity.pdf
Reyes-Gastelum, D., Pierce, S.J., & Van Egeren, L. (October 2012). Obtaining Balanced Intervention and Control Groups in a Multi-site Cluster Randomized Trial: Minimization as an Alternative to Randomization in the Head Start on Science Program. Demonstration session presented at Evaluation in...
Examining School Leader Professional Development:What Makes for Change? Presenter(s): Cynthia Tananis, University of Pittsburgh, Ellen Botkin, University of Pittsburgh, Abstract: Lenses on Learning (LOL) and Eyes on Science (EOS) are professional development...
See matching library entry files - Information gained through this new style ...