Examining School Leader Professional Development:What Makes for Change? Presenter(s): Cynthia Tananis, University of Pittsburgh, tananis@pitt.edu Ellen Botkin, University of Pittsburgh, ceac@pitt.edu Abstract: Lenses on Learning (LOL) and Eyes on Science (EOS) are professional development opportunities for administrators to increase awareness and understanding of inquiry-based math/science pedagogy, introduce a process of teacher observation and teach the assessment of student learning through questioning/conversation. Lenses on Learning (LOL) is a research-based strategy funded by the National Science Foundation and developed by the Educational Development Center. After successful completion of the LOL series, administrators can further their development by participating in Eyes on Science (EOS). EOS, developed by the Math and Science Partnership of Southwest Pennsylvania (MSP), leads participants through the essential features of instruction in an inquiry-based science classroom. Its pedagogical foundations are rooted in the five essential areas of scientific inquiry as defined by the National Science Education Standards. In-depth interviews conducted with participants discuss changes in their practice and related policy as a result of participation.#2012Conference #STEM #Prek-12EducationalEvaluation #professionaldevelopment